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How Come Some People Get Cavities Easier Than Others?

Cavities are always something we try to avoid with brushing and flossing each day. You may notice youget cavities frequently and others don’t. This doesn’t seem fair,but there are other factors that play intokeeping your teeth free of decay that you may not realize. There are ways to reduce your risk for cavitiesoutside of brushing and flossing regularly.

Why Are Some Prone to Cavities More Than Others?

  • Diet – Reducing the amount of sugar you eat or drink can help prevent cavities. Your chance ofgetting cavities increases if you eat or drink foods with a high amount of sugar.
  • Gum Recession – If you suffer from gum disease and your gums are receding,the root of thetooth is exposed. Bacteria can reach the root area of the tooth and cavitiescan develop moreeasily.
  • Dry Mouth – If you tendtohave a dry mouth your risk for decay increases. We need saliva towash away bacteria in our mouths.
  • Genetics – Unfortunatelysome people are born with a tendency to develop cavities morefrequently than others. This is because some people are more susceptible to a certain type ofcavity causing bacteria.

How Can I Reduce My Risk for Cavities?

There are things you can do to help reduce your risk for cavities. This doesn’t mean you will never have acavity again, but it does mean you are changing your habits,and putting forth a good effort to try andprevent decay from developing.


  • Regular Visits to Your Dentist – Make sure you attend your regular visits to your dentist. Theseexams help to identify potential cavities,and allow the dentist to get in front of issues beforethey become worse.
  • Reduce SugarsinYourDiet – Try and stay away from foods or drinks that are high in sugar.
  • Keep Up With Oral Hygiene – Stay on top of your oral hygiene with brushing and flossing atleast twice a day. This will help prevent plaque buildup that causes decay.
  • Use a Toothpaste With Fluoride – Using a toothpaste that containsfluoridecan help preventtooth decay.Use Mouthwash–Mouthwash can help rinse away bacteria,and if the wash contains fluoridethis can help prevent cavities.

Knowing what you can do to help prevent cavities can help you avoid many trips to the dentist. Takingcare of our teeth is very important,and can help avoid dental issues. Always practice good oral hygienehabits to keep your teeth and mouth feeling great.


At our office we discuss what patients are doing at home to help prevent decay. Our staff provides tipsand tricks tohelp our patients keep their teeth looking great. Taking care of your teeth and gums isimportant, and can avoid serious issues from developing. If you have not been to our office for yourregular dental exam, we encourage you to schedule your appointment.

Ready to Schedule Your Appointment ?

If you are looking for a dentist near you for your regular dental exam, we’re here to help. Our office hasstate of the art technology and equipment, and we always provide the highest level of service to all ofour patients.


To schedule your appointment with us, contact us today, and our friendly staff will be happy to assistyou.

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